The Sacrament of Holy Baptism (Christening) is available at St Matthew's on certain Sundays during the 11am Mass, or by other arrangement on Sunday afternoon at 1.30pm. There is no charge for this and it is simple to arrange. Just see the Vicar after Mass, or email or telephone him.

Sacramental Weddings are by arrangement with the Vicar. If one of you lives in the Parish or worships here regularly, or has a deep emotional connection with the Church, we can discuss the possibility of your wedding. Fees are according to the scale set by the Church of England. Please make an appointment to see the Vicar who is very happy to help you.

Funerals. In the first instance, please arrange this with an undertaker, who will make the necessary arrangements with us. The Vicar is available to administer the Last Rites to the dying at any time. Just phone the Vicarage number.

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